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Haida Gwaii, previously known as the Queen Charlotte Islands, and before that as "Xhaaidlagha Gwaayaai" or “Islands at the Boundary of the World," are in British Columbia, Canada. Though the archipelago comprises over 150 islands, the two largest, Graham and Moresby, dominate the visitor's itinerary.

This is a remote area where there are few big chain stores or high end amenities. Do not expect grand resorts choked with tourists, the Haida House resort owned by the Haida has opened on the Tlell river, and there are B&Bs, cabins, and motels that offer accommodations. Some of the reasons to come to the islands are to explore the outdoors as there are numerous options for hiking, hunting, beachcombing, kayaking, and fishing. Other visitors enjoy the many artisan galleries that can be found.

The Haida Gwaii have been called “The Misty Islands”, referring to the moist, mild climate, and to the mystique of its inhabitants, the Haida Nation. The Haida have highly developed seafarint culture and had a reputation for adventure, 20-metre dugout canoes, fascinating ceremonies and ferocious exploits. The art of the Haida Nation is famous throughout the world.

- Wikivoyage

Image by Mesut Kaya

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